Cyclus 3 MIDI Analog Sequencer
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more pictures: Cyclus 3 with Ears   Cyclus 3 from side
- A combination of analogue style and digital style sequencing.
- 107 patterns with each 8 tracks.
- Easy to learn and operate
- 30 songs with each 80 steps of pattern change and 1 to 32 loops and TRACK ON/OFF change (always shifts in the end of track one). Each song can be named ( 8 characters ).
- All tracks can loop independently. They doesn’t have to be equal in length.
- Each of the 8 tracks has 5 subtracks: note(pitch), xtranote, step length, note off time, velocity, ctrl value, ctrl length, ctrl glide on/off. The ctrl tracks can also transmit pitch bend. You have to choose between xtranote or controller subtracks.
- Last step (Loop point) can be set separately for each of the subtracks, for creating ever-changing complex tracks.
- Change basic pitch, note spread, subtrack loop points, step note pitch, xtra note pitch, step length, step off-time, step velocity, ctrl values, ctrl step lengths, ctrl step glide on/offs, copy a track or a hole pattern to another track and randomize, all in analogue style, while the Cyclus is running.
- Create new tracks from an external midi-device or by tweaking the Cyclus knobs (analogue style).
- Record or create songs step by step and change patterns in real time.
- Tempo is stored with each pattern. In song mode patterns are played back in their own tempo.
- One or more track(s) can modulate the basic pitch of another track.
- Plenty of memory for all patterns/songs. Will never write ”out of memory”.
- The Cyclus 3 is very accurate due to its interrupt based sequencing machine
- Transmits/receives midi-clock. Is able to be synced from external.
- Receives the realtime commands Start, Stop and Continue.
- Sends the realtime commands Continue and Stop
- RAM Dump allows store of your songs onto the PC and the possibility to import data from other sequencers. The file format is open (see section support)
- Firmware update possibility over MIDI
- Use for Desk or Rack mount with Ears.
- Possibility for battery operation (see section support)
- 154mm x 132mm x 65mm